Deadly Mercenary Anti-Hero Add-On for Genesis 9


Hold on to your chimichangas, 'cause here comes the merc with a mouth and he comes fully loaded and ready for your fourth wall-breaking renders.

This set includes two full sets of textures, one squeaky clean and one dirtier than Deadpool's browsing history. Wearables for the Deadly Mercenary outfit will load with the clean version of the textures. This set also adds a new mask, equipped with two extra head shape morphs, and eight different expressions with can be either applied with presets or by dialing. Try mixing the parameter dials to create new expressions! The eyes are the window to the soul.

Materials are also included to give him his new Golden Guns, for "Bea" and "Arthur" (Katanas), and for his dagger; clean and dirty to match the outfit, can't have him clashing.

Requirements: NG Deadly Mercenary for Genesis 9

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