Byron Hair for Genesis 3 Males and Females

Byron Hair for Genesis 3 Males and Females


Byron Hair for your Genesis 3 Males and Females is a clean modern style that combines fiberhair technology together with a custom hair cap and texturing for optimal rendering and realism. The hair comes in eight colours with materials optimised for both Iray and 3Delight.

Fits are incorporated for Michael 7, Gianni 7, Lee 7 and Leo 7. Other shapes are supported by autofollow and the numerous adjustment morphs included for the hair cap.

The male version comes with a bonus face stubble and textures to match the hair fibers.

Byron hair loads as a wearables preset, which allows you to delete the buzzed side fibers if you wish to save on memory.

Hierarchical materials presets are provided to save you time when applying materials.

You should be aware that all fiberhairs are by their nature high on memory usage and may slow down lower end systems.

Daz Studio Only.

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