Asia Dials n’ Smiles for Genesis 8 Female(s)


Asian Dials n' Smiles is a Generation 8 Follow up to the East Asia product.

It features, 25 complete Head Morph dials. Six Of these have been ported over from the original Generation 6 Product East Asia, the remaining 19 are brand new. Including dials for south Asian (Indian) shapes as well as those of East and Southeast Asia, offering many possibilities by mixing the dials within the set and those of other characters. There is also A 'Youth Morph Assist' Dial to help adjust proportions When using Zev0s Youth Morph.

Each Head Dial is accompanied by is own Customized Smile preset, which are Dial-able under the Pose / head Menu. ('genesis-8-female-expressions' required .)

As a bonus, The set also includes 4 Petite Body Shape Presets ('genesis-8-female-body-morphs' required).

Required Products: Genesis 8 Female Morphs, Genesis 8 Female Expressions

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